Sell Stable Style in Your Store

Bring Stable Style candles, matches and books to your town.

  • Find us on Faire

    Easily order for your boutique, tack store, feed store or hotel online. Find us on Faire. Order with ease and enjoy perks for a new retailer sign up.

  • Suggest a Store

    Do you think Stable Style should be carried in your town? Please reach out with suggestions for retailers and I will contact them.

  • Order Direct

    While Faire is our preferred wholesale portal, orders may be placed directly. Please email hello (at) StableStyle (dot) net

Refund Policy

Stable Style does not accept returns. Delivered shipments are non-refundable. If your candle or book is broken or damaged during shipping, please send an email to hello@stablestyle(dot)net or respond to your order email. I'll gladly send you a replacement.